Sermons by Dr. Dan Walsh (Page 9)
Titus 2:3-5 – Biblical Feminity
I. The Cultural Confusion II. The Scriptural Commitments A. Christ-like character B. Relationally structured C. Biblically oriented D. Mission focused
John 10:19-25 – Skeptics of Jesus
1. The Offensive Truth, v. 19 2. The Blasphemous Claim, v. 20 3. the Undeniable case, v. 21 4. The Prejudiced Season, v. 22-23 5. The Inexcusable Blame, v. 24
John 10:10 – Jesus, the Giver of Abundant Life
1. A Contented Life in Christ 2. A New Life in Christ 3. A Sufficient Care Under Christ