Sermons by Dr. Dan Walsh (Page 46)
1 Thessalonians 2:9-20 – A Father’s Day model
1. Committed Labor (v.9) 2. Consistent Disciple (v. 10) 3. Caring Parent (v. 11-12) 4. Catechizing Vessel (v. 13) 5. Enduring Walk (v. 14-16) 6. Endearing Love (v.17-20)
1 Peter 4:1-6 – Arming yourself against sin
1. The Context 2. The Theater of the Fight (v. 1) 3. The Christian Objective (v. 2) 4. The Christian Obligation (v. 3) 5. The Special Battle Feature (v. 4) 6. The End Game of the War (v. 5-6)