Sermons by Dr. Dan Walsh (Page 44)
John 2:12-22 – Zeal for God’s house
1. The Occasion of the Cleansing ~ 13 2. The Compulsion of the Cleansing ~ 14 3. The Method of the Cleansing ~ 15-16 4. The Motivation Behind the Cleansing~16-17 5. The Conflict Ensuing the Cleansing ~ 18-21 6. The Explanatory Comment of John ~ 22
John 2:1-11 – Jesus first sign: changing water into wine
1. The Occasion of the Miracle (v. 1-2) 2. The Interference for an Embarrassment (v. 3) 3. The Initiation for His Ministry (v. 4-5) 4. The Action of the Miracle (v. 6-8) 5. The Testimony of the Miracle (v. 9-10) 6. The Significance of the Miracle