Sermons by Dr. Dan Walsh (Page 40)
1 Peter 5:5-7 – The garment of Christian humility
1. Counsel to the Younger Members 2. Counsel to the Remaining Members 3. Scriptural Guidance 4. Resigning in God a. Trusting in God’s Control b. Submitting to God’s Care
1 Peter 5:1-5 – Spiritual leaders for difficult times
1. Fellow Soldier’s Appeal, v. 1 2. Pastor’s Spiritual Duty, v. 2 3. Minister’s Sinful Perils, v.2-3 4. Steward’s Satisfying Reward, v.4
John 3:9-13 – Convincing a Skeptic
1. Biblical Revelation (9-10) 2. Powerful Results (11-12) 3. Authoritative Regard (13)