Sermons by Dr. Dan Walsh (Page 34)
John 4:21-26 – Jesus, Front and Center
1. The Reformer of Worship, v. 21-23a 2. The Unifier of Worshipers, v. 23 3. The Conformer, v. 24 4. The Messiah, v. 25 5. The Professor, v. 25 6. The I AM, v. 26
Exodus 20:7 – Ten Commandments for the Christian – part 3
1. Profane Language 2. Irreverence 3. Promise Keeping 4. Hallowing His Name
John 4:19-23 – Crossroads and Controversies: Introduction to Shechem History
1. The Woman’s Dawning Perception, v. 19 2. The Rival Places of Worship, v. 20 3. The Confusing Source of Comfort(21-22) 4. The True Worshipers Being Sought, v. 23