Sermons by Dr. Dan Walsh (Page 57)
1 Peter 2:5 – House of Stones
1. Vital Signs 2. Construction Zone 3. Inhabited House 4. Integrated Organism 5. Sacred Order 6. Holy Service 7. Effective channel
Romans 15:22-29 “Church missions dynamic”
1. The Unreached-People Urgency (22-23) 2. The Local Church Involvement (23-24) 3. The Servant of God Dependency (24) 4. The Church Family Bonding (25-28) 5. The Missionary Plan under Providence (28b-29)
1Peter 2:4 – Jesus, the Living Stone
1. The Place of salvation abiding 2. The Place of sure footing 3. The Person of contrasting appraisal 4. The Person of Divine approval 5. The Person of God’s pleasure